
Here is a select list of services that I currently offer.

What I Do


Content Writing

Blogs and ebooks on various topics including health and fitness, cuisine and culture, travel, music, film and history.

Fictional stories

Stories of various styles including short, extended and books


Writing text that sells your products and services

Article Writing

Article writing is a piece of writing written for a broad audience that usually appears in newspapers, magazines or journals that may make a difference to the world. It may be of interest to the writer or relate to a current issue.

Matters of interest and topics including Health and fitness for the baby boomers, German history, cuisine and culture, immigration and citizenship, the alternative music scene and film reviews.

An excellent article requires good content and proper technique. A great article changes hearts and minds, gains new followers and is proactively shared.

Featured Articles and Blogs

Fictional Writing

Fiction writing is in story form meant to entertain, perhaps surprise, and convey an author’s point of view (sometimes guided by the brief of another influencer).

Good stories are fascinating and appeal to people’s emotions, attention, belief and memories.

Featured Creative Copywriting

Blog Writing

Blog writing is mainly regular writing in a specific format on a particular topic or group of considerations that support the purpose of the website.

Well constructed blogs are the lifeblood of the website that keeps it growing and evolving. Blogging is also considered a marketing channel which helps drive traffic to your site in a way that keeps audiences coming back regularly. This attraction increases traffic and raises your authority which propels your rankings to increase your traffic – and so the cycle continues.

Featured Blog Articles


Copywriting is the craft of writing words that sell. It may be the captivating headline that elevates your site to page one of Google search, the blog post that gets read and talked about, or the local business brochure in the letterbox. It’s all made possible by a copywriter.

Great copywriting ensures that the benefits of your product or service are clear and compelling and drives the reader to take action; whether that’s signing up to your mailing list or buying your products and services.

Featured Copywriting

Travel Writing

It is many people’s dream to be a travel writer. Picture a writer relaxed on a sunbed on his/her favourite Conde Nast-inspired beach writing a story that is in his mind.

The background is framed by perfect weather and resort-like facilities, pina colada on one side of the table with a fresh fruit platter on the other. Not a worry in the world.

The reality is that it is not all hotel-paid-for glam. There is grey-matter work to be done, fresh ideas or a unique slant to be conceived, personal experiences to be shared and editorial deadlines to be met (even if self-imposed).

Featured Travel Writing

I’m ready when you are! Your beautiful content is right around the corner.