a catchup

a catchup

The double-glazed glass doors hush apart and I enter the purple and black sheen of the Epping Club. It’s a quiet Sunday evening and somewhere in this cathedral of light entertainment a piano is playing something soft and digestible. Perhaps Burt Bacharach,...
Are you using time as a tool or a crutch?

Are you using time as a tool or a crutch?

The inspiration for this post about managing unproductive habits came from freelance writer Lindy Alexander’s website. In thinking about what is holding me back from my work as a writer, I came across the following quote:  “We must use time as a tool, not as a...
Visions Come to Prepared Spirits

Visions Come to Prepared Spirits

“Visions come to prepared spirits”(Attributed to the German organic chemist Friedrich August Kekule who, after twenty years, had figured out the structure of the benzene ring and came up with this insight in later discussions with his students.) A review of a webinar...
Richard’s Blog!

Richard’s Blog!

Welcome to Richard’s Blog. I plan to write regularly on a number of topics which I hope will interest you. Please visit this space shortly and I will share with you my craft!